What is Mediterranean Keto?

As I’ve written before, although most people’s lipid numbers improve across the board, some people get interesting cholesterol responses to Primal ketogenic diets. LDL skyrockets, even LDL particle number. The jury’s out on whether or not they indicate negative health concerns or if keto dieters are a special breed that hasn’t received enough study. (There may be a few genetic profiles, such as APOE4 carriers, that react differently to certain dietary inputs.) Either way some people just want their cholesterol numbers to look good in a conventional way. These days, whenever I run into someone in the real world with these or similar concerns, I tell them to try “Mediterranean keto.” What is that, anyway? The Mediterranean diet can mean

from http://besthealthnews.com/2019/07/what-is-mediterranean-keto/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-mediterranean-keto


From https://johnher1.blogspot.com/2019/07/what-is-mediterranean-keto.html


From https://michaelwalton2.blogspot.com/2019/07/what-is-mediterranean-keto.html

Author: Michael Walton

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